The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

Richardson candles listed

On the day that we were busy with our Neo-Georgian Conference (organised with EH and the Mellon Centre), no less than 19 “buildings” by architect Sir Albert Richardson– whose work featured and whose extrodinary house we visited–were listed. OK, so they are not really “buildings” by any normal definition, but they are great bits of design. The Richardson Candles are bespoke street lamps from 1957, “of high quality materials and elegant proportions, the streamlined form of which has been designed specifically to be in sympathy with the perpendicular lines of the historic Cambridge townscape. ” (so says the list description. They had been going to be replaced, so its good news. You can read more than you ever imagined there was to know about street lamps at this excellent web site, by avid collector of street lights, Simon Cornwell.


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