The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

Untitled, 2012. Acrylics and pigmented marker on MDF. 30 x 42 cm / 11 3/4 x 16 1/2 ins (detail)

Artist inspired by Twentieth-century churches–chance to see work by Bernd Ribbeck

I’m planning on going along to this exhibtion, because I’m intrigued  that the artist is quoted as saying ‘Twentieth-century church architecture took on shapes that affect me, as ‘bastard’ hybrids of modern rationalism and the spiritual role these buildings were meant to play.‘—I don’t know his work, and he also says ‘My influences can also be much more profane, however: shapes that, although quite concrete, also convey a promise of luck. The soundscape in a casino, for example, when all of the slot machines emit high notes – to me that’s almost like the divine sound of a very terrestrial joy.’ which seems a very unlikely mix.  This one sort of says St Paul’s Lorrimore Square to me, but seems more likely that its the fabulous post war churches of Gottfried Bohm or his contempories that Bernd Ribbeck was thinking of, as he was born in Cologne.  …  and that’s reminded me that Cologne is certainly somewhere we should have a C20 visit to before long–there is loads to see.

Details of the exhibition here , it runs from this weekend until December 20th at Alison Jaques Gallery, 16-18 Berners Street, London W1T 3LN





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