The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

Drama on the South Bank as beefeaters, the national theatre and Catherine croft join skateboarders

South Bank Centre–its me on a skateboard!

Love this Louis Hellman cartoon from the Architects’ Journal. The figure at the front, quoting Hamlet is Nicholas Hytner, Director of the National Theatre, who has written objecting to the current plans to expand the South Bank Centre on the grounds that it will mar the setting of Lasdun’s grade II* listed building. CABE and English Heritage have also joined us in opposing the scheme as it stands (hence the Beefeater, and the little guy at the bottom looks like Paul Finch, ex-chair of CABE, now deputy chair of the Design Council, which has absorbed  CABE).

As well as our objections, Lambeth Planning Department have been swamped with letters from supporters of the skateboarders who have colonised the undercroft space, which it is proposed would be used for more bars and restaurants. I like the fact I’m not wearing theatrical tights, and look competent on a skateboard… Why am I the only one with pads?  is this a suggestions that we are the most risk averse? (surely not?)


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