The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
St John the BaptistAndoverPotter and Hare1957
St John the DivineBradfordOuthwaite1963
St John the DivineCoventrySpence1957
St John the DivineLondonWiseman1934
St John the DivineLondonArthur Young1925
St John the DivinePontypoolCarter1913
St John the DivineWorthingCachemaille-Day1938
St John the EvangelistLondonHornsby1995
St John the EvangelistNethertonNicholson1928
St John the EvangelistBelfastGibson1957
St John the EvangelistHorshamGoldie1923
St John the EvangelistHastingsGoodhart-Rendel1954
St John the EvangelistMoffatLindsay1953
St John the EvangelistHookMaufe1938
St John the EvangelistBillinghamCrawford and Spencer1960
St John the EvangelistEastriggsCrickmer1917
St John the EvangelistNottinghamDudding1952
St John the EvangelistWiganAustin and Paley1937
St John the EvangelistSouth HatfieldBrett, Boyd & Bosanquet1960
St John the EvangelistAbersychanA F Webb (of Blackwood, Gwent)1932

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