The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings


Event: December AGM and planning meeting

The next event for the Southern group will be on Saturday 12 December, when we will hold a meeting to plan for 2016 and also conduct our AGM.
The start time is 10.45am and the venue will be the Nuffield Theatre (Basil Spence), on the Southampton University campus. The meeting will be followed by an afternoon walking tour around the other buildings on the site.
These will include original buildings by Gutteridge and Gutteridge from the 1930s and more Basil Spence buildings from his Masterplan post war, which includes attractive landscaping and modern sculptures. New buildings from the Rick Mather 1990s Masterplan (Jubilee Sports Complex) and the Life Sciences Building (RIBA award winner) will also be included.
Please email Pauline Mousley for further details.
We’re also pleased to announce that our Twitter account is now up and running. Please follow @C20Southern for the latest news.
Pauline Mousley