The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
St Francis XavierOldburyS N Cooke and Partners1965
St Francis Xavier and National Shrine of Our Lady of LourdesCarfinGray1973
St Francisca CabriniBedfordP. Dunham, Widdup and Harrison1965
St GabrielPitseaCorder1963
St GabrielGlasgowCordiner1955
St GabrielPrestonpansAlison1968
St GabrielLondonGoalen1968
St GabrielWeoley CastleWood Kendrick and Edwin F. Reynolds1934
St GabrielBillingshurstTowner1962
St GabrielAlsagerVelarde1953
St GabrielLondonShearman1931
St GabrielPrestwichTaylor1934
St GabrielCwmbranKempson1908
St GabrielWalsallLavender & Twentyman1939
St GabrielBlackburnVelarde1933
St Gabriel the ArchangelPlymouthCaröe1910
St Gabriel the ArchangelLeicesterRoger Keene Partnership1964
St GeorgeSandhurstBCH Architects1993
St GeorgeRugbyDenys Hinton & Partners1963
St GeorgeTelfordCooke1972

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