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The Elephant & Swimming Baths, Coventry
Image: Historic England
Coventry’s iconic landmark, the ‘Elephant’ sports centre, was built in 1977 and its shape reflects Coventry’s elephant and castle coat of arms. It sits alongside the 1966 Grade II listed 50-metre Olympic-size swimming pool designed by city architects Arthur Ling and Terence Gregory and principal architect Michael McLellan.The main pool hall with seating for 1,174 spectators was designed to meet international competition standards. The pool has become the regional competitive centre for the Midlands – recognition of the impressive facilities provided. Both buildings are under threat following Coventry Council’s decision to close the centre and replace it with a £37 million leisure centre holding a pool half the size of the 50m original. C20 Society’s application to list the ‘Elephant’ building was refused.
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