The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
Brighthelm Church and Community CentreBrightonThorpe1986
Brighton Road Baptist ChurchHorshamBrownrigg2008
Brighton Training College ChapelBrightonDowning1921
Bristo Baptist ChurchEdinburghOldreave, Bell & Patterson1935
Broadmead Baptist ChurchBristolSims1969
Broadmead Baptist ChurchNorthamptonAllen1934
Broadway ChurchBroadwayFillmore1959
Bromley Methodist ChurchDudleyGriffiths1960
Bromsgrove Baptist ChurchBromsgroveBrocklesby1990
Bromsgrove Methodist Church CentreBromsgroveCornfield1983
Bromsgrove School Memorial ChapelBromsgroveScott1931
Brownhills Methodist ChurchWalsallBirch and Caulfield1968
Brucefield ChurchWhitburnAnderson1962
Brunswick Baptist ChurchGloucesterFalconer1974
Bryanston School ChapelBlandford ForumCooper1930
Buckfast Abbey ChapelBuckfastleighPearn1965
Buckhaven Baptist ChurchBuckhavenCampbell1915
Burnfoot Parish ChurchHawickJ. P. Alison and Hobkirk1955
Bury Unitarian ChurchBuryRatcliffe1974
Byfleet Methodist ChurchByfleetWood1939

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