The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
St JohnGalashielsWheeler1971
St JohnShirleyWilliams1960
St JohnManchesterWood-Jones1968
St John and St BarnabasLeedsGribbon, Foggitt & Brown1939
St John and St ColumbaRosythMottram1926
St John and St JamesLondonSeely1939
St John and St MatthewRainhamRonald Wylde Associates1957
St John and St MichaelBirminghamCooke1916
St John and St StevenReadingFalconer Partnership1977
St John BaptistLondonGreenaway and Newberry1915
St John BaptistRochdaleNorris1924
St John BoscoReadingPollen1967
St John BoscoManchesterGreenhalgh and Williams (of Bolton)1958
St John BoscoLeicesterWilson1984
St John BosteWashingtonNapper Collerton Partnership (of Newcastle-upon-Tyne)1982
St John ChrysostomLiverpoolSaunders Bell1975
St John EvangelistEssingtonWood Kendrick and Edwin F. Reynolds1932
St John EvangelistWrexhamBarnard and Partners1974
St John EvangelistLondonCaröe1958
St John FisherLondonFrancis George Broadbent and Partners1962

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