The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
Our Lady Star of the SeaWells-next-the-SeaButler1928
Our Lady Star of the SeaBridgendF. R. Bates, Son and Price1969
Our Lady Star of the SeaTayportFairlie1939
Our Lady Star of the SeaPortstewartMoore1916
Our Lady Star of the SeaBroadstairsScott1931
Our Lady Star of the SeaBrixhamEvans, Powell and Powell (of Paignton)1961
Our Lady Star of the SeaEllesmere PortEdmund Kirby & Sons1931
Our Lady Star of the SeaPeterleeLanner Ltd of Wakefield1979
Our Lady Star of the Sea and St MaugholdIsle of ManScott1909
Our Lady Star of the Sea and St WinefrideAmlwchRinvolucri1935
Our Lady, Queen of MartyrsHerefordStone Ecclesiastical Ltd1996
Our Ladys Convent ChapelSouthamNorris1925
Our Ladys Convent ChapelBelfastMcArdle1935
Oxclose ChurchWashington1972
Palmers Green United Reformed ChurchLondonGeorge Baines and Son1914
Parish ChurchDalkeithReaich1955
Parish Church of St Mary and All SaintsKidderminsterScott1928
Park Avenue Methodist ChurchNorthamptonGeorge Baines and Son1924
Park United Reformed ChurchReadingMorris1923
Park View Wesleyan ChapelMichaelBoyde1913

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