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35. The Spinney, Ipswich
Status: Listed Grade II
Architect: Birkin Haward
Location: Westerfield Road, Ipswich
Designed by major regional architect Birkin Haward (Senior) for himself and his family. The two-storey single-family house (1960) looks deceptively simple. However, it is a thought-through design that makes the most of its magnificent setting and brings together a bold spatial concept with an imaginative combination of materials and new techniques. Planned around its central double-height hall that constitutes a dramatic, almost cubical, space, the house clearly manifests an individual interpretation of new ideas about domestic planning.
An outline planning application was made in 2009 to demolish the building to make way for a care home.
The C20 Society had put the house in for listing in 2002 following Birkin’s death but this was rejected. In response to the care home plans, C20 again put it forward for listing and Ipswich Borough Council, recognising the importance of the house, served a Building Preservation Order to give Historic England time to carry out an assessment.
The house was listed at Grade II and saved from demolition. In recommending the building for listing Historic England noted the national significance of Haward’s work and his work on schools in the East of England in the post-war period.
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