The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

Anderton House, Barnstaple, Devon

40 Buildings Saved

38. Anderton House, Barnstaple, Devon

Status: Listed Grade II*
Architect: Peter Aldington
Owners: Landmark Trust
Location: Goodleigh, Devon


This house was designed (1970-72) as a retirement home for Ian and May Anderton, family friends of architect Peter Aldington. With a nod to the old Devonian long-house tradition, and generous glazed areas, it was designed by Aldington and partner John Craig to allow Ian to have a home office without a separate room, despite the concerns of his fastidious wife. This was resolved with the study taking the form of a solid, walled enclosure (8ft by 5ft) , concealing his papers but close to the kitchen in the open plan split level space. Making the most of valley views, Aldington said later: “By using a frame and a tent-like roof we were able to make a living room on a small footprint into an apparently endless space.”


The Andertons lived there for around 30 years and on their death it was left to their daughter Elizabeth. Living and working miles away she decided to sell it and in 1998 put it on the market. The site had flooding problems which restricted its selling potential, and Elizabeth approached Peter Aldington for his support.  The C20 Society then became involved and recommended it for purchase by the Landmark Trust, the heritage holiday-let charity.


It was listed at Grade II* in 1998 to prevent any damage by future owners. The Landmark Trust purchased the property and refurbished it with Aldington’s help: sourcing era-appropriate décor and kitchen equipment. The Trust helped with flood prevention work and it became its first modern property.


The Anderton House is now a holiday home with the Landmark Trust and its early ‘70s style and decoration is much enjoyed by its guests.

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