The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
St Mary of the CraysLondonMead1972
St Mary Our Lady of SorrowsManchesterWalter Stirrup & Son1963
St Mary Queen of MartyrsHullReid1976
St Mary Queen of PeaceGarrisonTracey1973
St Mary Star of the SeaLondonderryWhite and Hegarty1969
St Mary the ImmaculateGranthamGoalen1832
St Mary the VirginLayer BretonBarker and Kirk1923
St Mary the VirginLiverpoolQuiggin and Gee1953
St Mary the VirginManchesterMartin1929
St Mary the VirginWellingboroughComper1931
St Mary the VirginLondonFord1955
St Mary the VirginLondonGoodhart-Rendel1936
St Mary the VirginLondonGoodhart-Rendel1955
St Mary the VirginPeterboroughCovell Matthews and Partners1991
St Mary the VirginBuxtonCurrey1915
St Mary the VirginIlfordDunn1920
St Mary the VirginLittlehamptonRandoll Blacking1934
St Mary the Virgin and All SaintsPotters BarAlder1914
St Mary TronGlasgowRogerson1965
St Mary with St GeorgeLondonMorris1959

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You can look for churches using the search boxes or on the pins on the map. Each entry gives the architect and location, and the icons on the left show listing status. Where available, we have included links to more detailed online information about the building, such as the English Heritage listing description. We hope you will find some of your own favourites here and discover some new buildings too.

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