The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
Torbain ChurchKirkcaldyWheeler1968
Torbay Hospital ChapelTorquayHolden1930
Towcester Road Methodist ChurchNorthamptonGeorge Baines and Son1924
Trafalgar Road Baptist ChurchHorshamRDJW Architects2011
Tre-Wen Welsh Independent ChapelNewcastle EmlynGeorge Morgan & Sons1921
TrinityLoughboroughAllcock and Grieves1966
Trinity at Bowes Methodist ChurchLondonMills1973
Trinity ChurchCheadleMills1970
Trinity ChurchLondonMartin Shaw Briggs & A. W. Harwood1937
Trinity ChurchLondonWithers1922
Trinity ChurchAberdeenshireStock Bros. Buildings1981
Trinity ChurchDealGarbutt Wilson1966
Trinity College ChapelPerthSpence1957
Trinity Free ChurchHuntingdonC. M. Lock and Partners1969
Trinity Methodist ChurchWokingMills1966
Trinity Methodist ChurchStockportMills1967
Trinity Methodist ChurchEast GrinsteadSmee and Houchin1939
Trinity Methodist ChurchLoughboroughSmith and Outhwaite1966
Trinity Methodist ChurchLowestoftPiper, Whalley & Partners1970

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