The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
The Holy Name & Our Lady of the Sacred HeartLondonStokes1958
The Jubilee CentreWirralScott1939
The Methodist ChurchInvernessFinlayson1965
The Mint Methorist ChurchExeterCripps1970
The Most Holy RedeemerBillericayGoldie, Child & Goldie1914
The Most Holy TrinityBasildonBurles, Newton and Partners1980
The Most Sacred Heart of JesusNottinghamBradford1931
The Mother of GodNorwichIbberson1935
The Resurrection of Our LordLondonBroadbent, Hastings, Reid & Todd1974
The Rosary ChurchLeicesterWilson1958
The Sacred HeartWadhurstSandy & Norris1929
The SanctuaryHershamWebb1926
The Society of Friends HallLondonGreen1908
The TransfigurationStevenageMajor1914
The Venerable BedeLeedsGribbon, Foggitt & Brown1938
Thomas Cooper Memorial ChurchLincolnGibberd1974
Thornhill CrematoriumCardiffRoberts1954
Thurrock Christian Fellowship All Saints CentreGraysNicholson1927
Tipton Road Methodist ChurchOldbury1931
Titwood ChurchGlasgowClifford Lunan and Scorer1923

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