The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
Urr Parish ChurchHaugh of UrrChalmers1914
Venerable BedeNewcastleEdwards1937
Victoria Methodist ChurchWeston-super-MareFry, Paterson & Jones1936
Victoria Park Baptist ChurchBristolLawrence1929
Victoria Park ChapelManchesterCruikshank and Seward1968
Victoria Park Parish ChurchGlasgowRogerson1970
Wallington United Reformed ChurchLondonMeredith1928
Wallneuk ChurchPaisleyAbercrombie1915
Walsingham Chapel and English Martyrs ChapelBeaconsfieldButler1926
Ward End Methodist ChurchCrouch, Butler and Savage1951
Warley Institutional ChurchYorke1925
Warley Woods ChurchSmethwickCrouch Butler and Savage1928
Watchorn Memorial Methodist ChurchAlfretonF. S. Antliff & Sons1929
Waterloo Methodist ChurchAshton-under-LyneJ. C. Prestwich and Son (of Leigh, Lancs)1968
Waterloo Methodist ChurchAshton-under LyneBurton1968
Waterloo Road ChurchLondonKeen1932
Waterlooville Baptist ChurchPortsmouthManser1967
Wednesbury Central Methodist ChurchWednesburyHulme, Upright and Partners1968
Wellesley Parish ChurchMethilGordon1941
Welsh Congregational Church (Eglwys yr Annibynwyr)BirminghamClifford, Tee and Gale1969

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