The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
Whitechapel Methodist MissionLondonLee Reading Associates1971
Whitefield Memorial ChurchLondonButler1956
Willaston Methodist ChurchDouglasDavidson Marsh1960
Willenhall Lawn Cemetery ChapelWillenhallJohnson and Giles1969
William Booth Memorial HallNottinghamArcher1915
William Booth Memorial Training CollegeLondonScott1932
William Temple Memorial ChurchManchesterPace1965
Wilson Carlile CollegeSheffieldAPEC Architects1991
Wilson Memorial ChurchEdinburghJohnstone1933
Wivenhoe Congregational ChurchWivenhoeL & D Kemble1962
Woking United Reformed ChurchWokingHighet1952
Wolstanton Methodist ChurchNewcastle under LymeHulme, Upright & Partners1966
Woodard School ChapelLlanfairfechanHerbert Luck North & P M Padmore1922
Woodcroft Evangelical ChurchLondonBurnet, Tate & Lorne1928
Yaddlethorpe ChurchScunthorpeSykes1967
Yardley United Reformed ChurchBirminghamHunt1936
Young People’s Salvation Army HallLondonCoxhead1931
Zion City TabernacleWolverhamptonScott1960
Zoar Baptist ChapelIpswichJohns & Slater1924

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