The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Magazine

Welcome to the C20 Magazine digital archive, accessible to members only. Back-issues of all our magazines and journals can be ordered directly from the C20 Shop.

Issue 2024/1

Features in the latest Autumn / Winter 2024-25 issue include:

• Live forever – C20’s new Coming of Age campaign, by Oli Marshall
• Miners’ Modernism – Mapping the last of the pithead baths
• Sink or swim – Saltdean Lido reborn, by Cath Slessor
• At Tale of Two Houses – Catherine Croft goes Stateside
• Poodle populism – Who let the dogs out? Kitsch Victoriana meets Lubetkin, by Jessica Kelly
• Timeless designer – The archives of Kenneth Grange, by Rebecca Knott
• Godfather of Venice – Carlo Scarpa in his home city, by Valeria Carullo
• Giving them Hellman – Lampooning the architectural elites, by Otto Saumarez Smith

Our members receive a copy of the latest magazine for free and can access our extensive online archive, click here to become a C20 member today.

Distribution and advertising

To find your local C20 Magazine stockist or to order backissues, click here

If you are a Retailer and would like to stock our Magazine, you can download our Retailer pack below and contact:

Ellen Turner – Antenne Books
+44 (0) 203 582 8257

If you are an Advertiser and would like to advertise in our Magazine, you can download our Advertiser pack below and contact:

Renata Lopes – Park Walk Media


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