The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

Hand Tisdall's mural The Alchemists Elements, 1967
Hand Tisdall's mural The Alchemists Elements, 1967
Hand Tisdall's mural The Alchemists Elements, 1967, location shot


26 Hans Tisdall, The Alchemist’s Elements, 1967

Status: Unknown
Condition: Condition unknown
Type: Mosaic
Owners: Unknown
Location: Faraday Building, University of Manchester

The Faraday Building’s architect was Harry Fairhurst, of the long-established Manchester firm of H. S. Fairhurst & Son. It was constructed in 1967 and houses the University’s chemistry department. There are two large mosaic murals, and two much smaller installations on a side wall which, as you can tell from the title, have a direct relationship to the building’s function.

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