The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

Adam Kossowski's mural of The History of The Old Kent Road for the Everlasting Arms Ministries Church, formerly Peckham Civic Centre
Mural by Kossowski in Peckham

C20 AGM 2015

The 2015 C20 AGM will be held at the Parish Hall of St Aloysius Roman Catholic Church, Phoenix Road, Somers Town, London NW1 on Saturday 13 June 2015 at 11:00 am. The venue is very close to Euston Station, a short walk up Eversholt Street and within walking distance of Kings Cross/St Pancras. Refreshments will be available before the meeting.

Click here to access the Agenda C20 AGM 2015, the Minutes of 2014 AGM and the 2014 Final Accounts. You can also view the C20 Governing Documents online.

After the AGM there will be an opportunity to see the interior of St Aloysius Church by John Newton of Burles, Newton & Partners (1968) with glass by Whitefriars and Goddard and Gibbs, tilework by Adam Kossowski and bronzed fibreglass figures by Gordon Bedingfield.

This will be followed by a selection of walks for members only: a public housing walk in Somers Town and Finsbury with a focus on Lubetkin; an art deco walk in the northern West End and a London University walk.

The walks will leave from outside the church at 13.45 and will re-convene at the Brunswick Centre by 5.00pm for an interior visit and drinks. These cost £12 each and need to be pre-booked on the website (but we will try and accommodate anyone coming on the day who has not booked).