The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
St Vincent de PaulThornliebankGillespie, Kidd and Coia1959
St Vincent Pallotti Convent ChapelRochdaleCowper, Poole, Reynolds and Towns1966
St WalburgaBradfordLangtry Langton1962
St WerburghStoke on TrentWood, Goldstraw & Yorath (of Tunstall and Hanley)1953
St WhatleyRimmer1937
St WilfridBirminghamSamuel N Cooke and Partners1965
St WilfridLeedsKitson, Parish, Ledgard & Pyman1932
St WilfridHailshamBingham Towner Associates1955
St WilfridPevensey BayBenz & Williams1969
St WilfridBurgess HillMendham1940
St WilfridHullWilliams Sleight & Co1956
St WilfridLondonWalters & Kerr Bate1915
St WilfridLeedsWells1939
St WilfridHullWilliams Sleight and Co1956
St WilfridBrightonGoodhart-Rendel1934
St WilfridGatesheadRobert Burke (of Newcastle Upon Tyne)1955
St WilfridHarrogateMoore1935
St WilfridBlackpoolMellor1966
St Wilfrid Garrison ChurchStrensall CampRoss1933
St Wilfrid of YorkCoalvilleArthur Farebrother and Partner1962

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