The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
Hall Green United Community ChurchBirminghamCrouch, Butler and Savage1924
Hampton Park United Reformed ChurchHerefordJ. A. Wilson & Partners1969
Hardres Street United ChurchRamsgateFoster and Barber1957
Harehills Lane Baptist ChurchLeedsManchip1928
Harpenden Methodist ChurchHarpendenBrace1930
Harper Memorial ChurchGlasgowMiller1922
Harton Methodist ChurchSouth ShieldsBrocklehurst1937
Hazel Grove Methodist ChurchStockportHalliday, Meecham & Partners1972
Heartsease Methodist ChurchNorwichDann1956
Helensburgh Free ChurchDunbartonJohn Stewart and Patterson1923
Helsby Methodist ChurchFrodshamPaterson, Macauley & Owens1965
Hendon Methodist ChurchLondonWelch and Lander1938
Hengrave Hall ChapelBury St EdmundsTapper1929
Henley Road Cemetery (chapel and crematorium)ReadingBerkeley Wills1931
High Carntyne ChurchGlasgowThomson1932
High ChurchAberdeenMitchell1936
High CrossCamberleyWhite1990
High KirkBallymenaMcKnight1976
Highbury Congregational ChapelCheltenhamSpalding & Myers1932
Highbury Quadrant Congregational ChurchLondonHastie, Winch & Kelly1954

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