The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
Gornal Wood Crematorium ChapelBrierley HillLewis1960
Gospel HallGlasgowMiller1932
Gracemount ChurchEdinburghTaylor1961
Grange Free ChurchLondonWhitby1957
Grange Park Methodist ChurchLondonBrightiff1938
Granton Parish ChurchEdinburghMatthew1934
Grays Inn ChapelLondonMaufe1954
Great Victoria Street PresbyterianBelfastMacGeagh1936
Green Lane Baptist ChurchWalsallBrown Matthews1972
Greenbank ChurchEdinburghCampbell1927
Greenleaf Road Baptist ChurchLondonSpalding, Myers and Attenbrow1950
Greens Lane Methodist ChurchStockton-on-TeesDavies1976
Grosvenor Hall Methodist ChurchBelfastHope1934
Guards ChapelLondonGeorge, Drew & Dunn1963
Guildford United Reformed ChurchGuildfordBarber, Bundy & Greenfield1965
Haileybury College ChapelHertfordBaker1936
Halesowen United ChurchHalesowenFillmore1961
Hall Green Baptist ChurchAndrews1935
Hall Green United Community ChurchBirminghamCrouch, Butler and Savage1924

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