The Twentieth Century Society

Campaigning for outstanding buildings

C20 Churches

Church nameTown or cityArchitectDate of completion
Fulwell Methodist ChurchSunderlandStanley W. Milburn and Partners (of Sunderland)1961
Gants Hill United Reformed ChurchIlfordBrand1931
Gardenmore Presbyterian ChurchLarneHobart and Heron1915
Gardenstown Free Presbyterian ChurchBanffHughes2004
Garrison Church of St GeorgeBulford CampG.L.W. Blount and Williamson1927
Garthdee Parish ChurchAberdeenRoss & Allan1955
Gatley United Reformed ChurchCheadleAdams1938
Gedling Road Methodist ChurchNottinghamJohn Walter Dudding and Partners1958
German Lutheran ChurchHullRosner1968
German Lutheran ChurchEdinburghSchildt1967
Gerrards Cross Congregational ChurchGerrards CrossAscroft1920
Gerrards Cross Congregational ChurchGerrards CrossDuncannon1922
Giffnock South ChurchGiffnockJohn Stewart and Patterson1927
Gig Mill Methodist ChurchStourbridgeGriffiths1933
Glasgow University Memorial ChapelGlasgowSir John Burnet and Partners1929
Gleadless Valley Methodist ChurchSheffieldJ. Mansell Jenkinson & Son1960
Glebe Centre URCWalsallStone Toms and Partners1975
Glebe MethodistWashingtonCharlewood, Curry, Wilson and Atkinson1976
Glengormley Presbyterian ChurchNewtonabbeyLucy1956
Glenrothes Baptist ChurchGlenrothesGillespie and Scott1962

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